We Can help with:

  • Divorce

  • child custody

  • child support

  • visitation

  • changes to existing custody, support, and visitation orders


Family Law

Going through a divorce is one of the most challenging experiences in life, both emotionally and financially. Whether it is a Contested Divorce or Uncontested Divorce, the process can be difficult and confusing. We can help guide you through.

Regardless whether it is a Fault-Based (abandonment, adultery, cruelty or desertion) or No-Fault, you need the experience of a seasoned family law attorney to help guide you through. Every case is unique, as are our clients.

Divorces can be complicated with issues custody, child support, visitation, and spousal support. Not to mention the financial issues like business valuation, tracing of separate property, hidden assets, and division of debts.

The attorneys and staff of The Simon Law Firm can assist you no matter what. Whether the case needs to be negotiated or litigated, we are here to help. Call us today 804-257-7233 for a Free Consultation.


Will I be able to get custody of my kids?

The Courts favor situations where both parents have contact and involvement with their children. There are many factors that must be considered though. Age of children, parents location, prior involvement, and disruption to the child’s life are just some of the things a Court will take into account.

Will I receive spousal/child support?

Child support is a statutory function that takes into account both parents’ income. Whether you are the receiving party or the party who has to pay the other depends on how much time you have with the child, income, expenses and other factors.

Spousal support is an award of money that one spouse must pay the other. This depends on the length of the marriage, the current expenses, the contributions made by the party during the marriage, infidelity and many other factors. It is not a given that a party seeking Spousal Support will receive it. It can be agreed upon by both parties in negotiations or awarded by the Court after a hearing.

Do I get to keep the house?

Who keeps the house will depend on the financial make-up of the parties. In many cases the family home is a major financial asset in which both parties have a legitimate interest. Therefore, one party might be able to keep the home, but may have to buy out the other’s share. Keeping the home may be an advantage, but in many cases it is not.

Can I still live in the house through the divorce proceedings?

Maybe. In most cases, one party chooses to move out of the marital home. If the parties agree to this then one can remain in the home. 

Do I still have to pay the bills if I am not living in the marital home anymore?

The obligation to pay bills that one party may not be utilizing is a common question. If there is a temporary award of Spousal Support, then there might be the obligation to pay the bills, but not always. One consideration is not to waste any of the marital assets. Therefore, it should be kept in mind that if one party refuses to pay some of the bills, and the house or other asset is at risk of being lost, then they probably will have the obligation to maintain payments. This is determined on a case by case basis though.