OF Counsel

Paul S. Kellinger

In March, 2004 Paul joined The Simon Law Firm and as Associate Attorney. Prior to joining The Simon Law Firm, Paul was an Associate Attorney for a Law Firm in Northern Virginia and subsequently operated a branch of the firm here in Richmond. 

MEmberships and affiliations

Virginia Bar Association
Richmond Juvenile Bar Association
Virginia Lawyers Referral Service


Virginia Indigent Defense Commission
Certified Court Appointed Attorney for misdemeanor and juvenile cases
Guardian Ad Litem for Juveniles


Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, Bachelor of Science 1985

George Mason University School of Law 1999

Admittted to

All Virginia Courts

Practice Areas

Residential and Commercial Real Estate
Estate Planning
Contract Drafting
Negotiation and Litigation
Landlord Tenant
Domestic Relations
Business Law
Guardian Ad Litem for Juveniles
Guardian and Conservatorship
Misdemeanor Defense, Juvenile and Adult